Monday, April 26, 2010

I Want His babies

You know how you and your spouse set up a "5 year plan" until you think you will be ready to have children? Well that was our plan, it's been all along and it isn't changing any time soon. *Hint hint* I'm not preggers. But I have to tell you about something that just melted my heart into pieces and, as PW would say "I died." So here's the scenario. My amazing husband and I were hanging out this weekend with some dear close friends of ours (they did our marriage counseling and are pretty much the main reason we are as awesome as we are...really it's by association.) Anyways, they have these four marvelous girls, yes four...all under the ages of 12, four girls, two parents, one house and us. This is our birth control...except for this last trip. But I'm getting ahead of myself. First I have to tell you that I'm going to be writing a little blog about the oldest Larsen daughter who is an amazing woman! Let's just say she puts anyone who ever wants to learn anything about school to shame because she just rocks. Pretty much. 

Anyways, so I was hanging out with Larsen ladies 1-3 when I was trying to figure out where Larsen lady #4 was. She is five, her birthday is the day before mine, she is the baby of the family and she steals my heart. We quote her often in the NM household. Anyways I had been snapping shots of the Larsen ladies #1-3 and went to find #4. And this is what I saw:
Can I have his babies now please? Oh my word, seriously, he was teaching her how to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...which, by the way, he didn't know so he learned it on the spot for her. Ugh...I"m in love and my ovaries just flipped.
Ok..that is all I wanted to share with you. I promise to become much more dedicated to these blog posting, I have quite a bit to show you! Lovies.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

6 Years for Realz!

So I have done lots of editing for my favorite newly engaged couple, but, first and foremost, I wanted to let you in on a new link of ours. Alas it is not the new website yet, but that is in the deep throws of development and hopefully will arise glorious and beautiful very soon!

BUT seriously, the site I wanted to show you was our new Flickr account because I just don't want to inundate my whole blog with so many pictures in a smaller format so you can't really see them. So you can check the full M & T album out at here. It is our new Flickr account. Apparently I had this one from way back when which has our favorite wedding and honeymoon pictures (apparently way back when was less than two years ago) and then I deleted my Yahoo! account. I tried to get back in so we could take that Url off so we could use it on our new Flickr account, but alas yet such luck.

Now on to what really hubby and I. (Well for this post at least).

Today is our 6 year anniversary, not marriage but dating. We met way back when in Ecuador South America and since then we've been to Maine, Alabama and all the states in between and even some beyond, Malaysia, Spain (I was there vicariously), Chile (where my heart lies) and the Dominican Republic. We've lived in two locations since being married not to mention the handful with our respective roomies before we got married, we've been to lots of festivals, wasted lots of miles on our car, traveled to Chicago and back too many times to count and joined in the frequent miles club with Amtrak.

We've been in the biggest fights with each other, with others, with ourselves. We've been to concerts, pubs, restaurants, parks, parking lots ;-), beaches, mountains, churches, friend's homes whew..we've been every where and back again (Thank you Bilbo).
I intend to write our story on here at some point. It will be a chapter by chapter deal (copying PW is what I do, she is my blogging role model). There is so much to put in there, so many stories, feelings, conversations that it will take a while and, to my great demise, I am way to detail oriented when telling stories.

*One time Renaissance Man asked me to write out how he proposed to me and it took over three pages. He made me get it into 3 paragraphs. It wasn't as good as the original. *

Anyways, I just think back on how many years we've dated and how we're going on two years of marriage and it's just flown by. Life is ever changing for us. We've been in some what of a stagnant place recently with our current location but from it we've learned patience, faith and trust. We've had time to grow with each other and spend quality time with each other.
I know many couples who in the first several years, if not over the course of their whole marriage, they've only been separated a few times by work trips, tours, etc. But in our relationship RM is on the road several weeks most months, and when he's not gone for weeks he'll be gone for a few weekends. So we've had the torture of separation but the ecstasy of reunion. That feeling, when he walks in the door even if I haven't seen him for 4 days, is just the best. He is SO HOT!
Learning to take part of my alone time as time for me rather than time for self pity and loneliness has been vital to getting through those times. Which will be a whole blog unto itself.
But all this to say, the man I fell in love with 6 years ago and married almost 2 years ago, is still stealing my heart away each day.

Well, I could write a novel more but I will stop here b/c I'm sure many of you are just about the hurl. Thanks Renaissance man for picking me. *He would say "I didn't pick you, we were predestined to be together ;-)*