Monday, March 29, 2010

A Few More

Well I have a few more pics done. They are pretty darn awesome if I do say so myself. Photography is just so much easier when you have a super attractive couple to help! So here you go!

This was taken at the Civil Court.
The joys of the Citygarden
For real, this couple is so sexy!

And of course the ring!

The colors are a little off b/c I manipulated them for web, but the couple will have the originals and hopefully they like them. I'll probably put the pics up on Facebook but I know the colors will not be completely attuned.

Oh well. I hope you like!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Miranda & Troy

So this adorable awesome amazing couple got engaged yesterday...and I took pics of them today. AWESOME! It was totally not planned at all and just spontaneously worked out and I got over 1,000 pics for my first ever official shoot!

I'm totally pumped and stoked and excited and nervous and encouraged and get the drift.
So I couldn't wait and did a quick edit on a picture that so far is my most favorite of my 100 favorite (I couldn't choose just 25 for realz!)

They are planning on getting married this summer! So they are getting really close to the date but it's going to be beautiful and they are going to be such a great marriage!
Anyways, enjoy this picture and I promise more will come soon...potentially along with the big reveal of our new website which is looking SWEEEEET!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cuban Coffee or Cortadito

(* Clarification from my wonderful Tia Lisi: Mom and I were just perusing your blog. just a couple of points of clarification. Cafe Bustelo is cuban coffee, not Italian. also we don't usually use condensed milk...we use either regular or evaporated. The "experts" make a "pumita" by steaming the milk so its nice and foamy. me alegro mucho que esten disfrutando las tacitas de cafe!*keep this in mind as you read :-) sorry!)

My husband is half Cuban. His grandparents are Cuban refugees who've been living in this free country for over 40 years. They had a wonderful life in Cuba: an hacienda, careers, extended family, earth that belonged to them and someday to their children. All that changed with the rising power of Fidel. They brought with them few possessions but many memories, traditions and stories.
A few months after Naphtali and I got married a package arrived for the wrong house. Abuela had sent it to the only address of ours she had but we had recently moved. Thanks to sweet retired truck driver Lloyd, we got our packaged. Lloyd is one of those guys who has just a caring heart and happens to be married to the funniest polish woman I've ever known. Lloyd has an illegal CV radio in his house so he can listen to what the Cops are doing. :-) Anyway, Lloyd called us and told us we had a couple packages. One of which was from Abuela which held something invaluable.
She had given us a set of six espresso cups and saucers. She gave us this precious set which she had brought with her to the United States so many years ago when fleeing her mother land. Naph and I haven't used them since we got them because we've been too nervous but today that changed. We made cuban coffee and used these heirlooms. It was delightful!
My sweet man, who I think I shall dub my Rock Star from here on out (we'll toy around with the names..), will be making me a LEGIT blog at some point and we'll transfer all this over there along with, hopefully, a story about these cups..I have to get with Abuela on that one :-).
So in the meantime, if you want to know how to make a "cortadito", or "small one."Here is how you do it.

First a "cortadito" is espresso made with a percolator and then mixed with sweet and condensed milk...which we didn't have any of so we improvised. It was still ever so tasty.

You will need: a cuban coffee maker or percolator, good fine espresso coffee, water, patience, cups that make you feel nostalgic, sweet and condensed milk or 1/2 & 1/2 or whole milk which we used today, sugar-preferably as close to sugar in the raw that you can get (if you are using S & C milk you won't need sugar), and time to enjoy this piece of heaven.

First get a good espresso coffee. We are partial to Cafe Bustelo which is delicious and finely ground, 100% italian coffee
Then you pack it into the base of the percolator.
Fill the base of the percolator with water. It should have level marks on it so take it to the highest one if you want a good 4-6 small cups out of it.
Then put the coffee in the base of the percolator.
Screw the to of the percolator on (I know these are in depth but I just got a new camera and I am obsessed...bear with me :-))
Put the stove on Medium:
Let it percolate:
Isn't it beautiful?!
Get out your espresso cups:
Aren't they beautiful?
Add the milk:
And Sugar:
Pour the Coffee:
Then all you need to do next is marry a Cuban:

And enjoy!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Pictures

I've been starting to take and edit pictures thanks to the help of my darling Husband who has been teaching me Photoshop. I'm really excited and I'm thinkin...I'm not to bad. We got a new pro pro camera. A Canon 20D. We're definitely satisfied right now with it though we can tell we'll definitely want to upgrade. This one has a few glithces and I've not had tons of time to check it out completely.
Anyway I got two great models, Troy and Miranda to let me shoot them after a little birthday celebration for him at a great sushi restaurant downtown. We went out until about midnight and I'm sure I would have had a ton more quality pictures of I knew how to shoot at night but practice makes perfect right?!
These first two, the first is the edited and the second is the original. Vice versa for the second set. My Cuban Rock Star is making me a special website so I can make it a little more fancy looking so for now I'm sorry you have to deal with my technological handicaps. :-)