Monday, May 10, 2010

Awesome Abigail

So I've told you about this fantastic girl.
She is an awe inspiring lassy let me just say. So here's how the story I've been dying to tell you goes:
Abby is currently homeschooling with these awesome parents of hers:

They also happen to be Naph and my kind of life coaches, mission trip leaders, reasons that we think we can be cool someday and all round Godsends.(They are also champions at the game Ninja pictured above.) They are also amazing parents. Rebecca did, for a fact, go to school to become a rocket scientist..yeah...she's wicked smaat (Smart for those of you not from Maine).
So anyways, Abby took this test. This test is unlike any other test I've heard of in my life and if I ever had to take it I would crawl into the fetal position, cry and loose all self respect in my level of intelligence.

So Abby needed to know seven subjects. She found out about this test and decided she wanted to make a run at it...four weeks before the actual test. Now you say, "silly Alyssa, tricks are for kids. And that is way enough time to study...psh I study the night before." And to that I would say "Well you're better than I am, I study 10 minutes before." BUT This is not just any ordinary test...this was an Oral Test...and  its a Rebecca Larsen FACT that, if you did not breath you could complete this test in approximately 2 hours. Abby finished it in 1hr and 30 minutes...yeah..awesome #1.
Before I go into these subjects it is worth noting that this was quite the feat not only for Abby but for her ever supportive padres. They had to help her memorize and learn tons of information! So, to commend her for her brilliant efforts, they gave her a precious gift! The charm bracelet below.
Rebecca made an agreement with Abby: for each subject she passed she would get a charm and when it was time to tell her sweet papito she would simply show him the charms that reflected those subject.
So OK, if you quickly flip through these pictures you say " Lys, darling, you said there were seven topics but you show 8 charms."
Well let me tell you. Most students had a whole year to prepare for this test. Abby did it in 4 weeks.
About a week before the test "those people" said that now, in order for a student to receive a certificate, they would have to pass the test 100% rather than a lower percentage that they had stated at the beginning of the year. DEFEAT, I CRY, DEFEAT! Rebecca said at this point Abby would get most of the stuff right when they quizzed her at home but there were still some things that were very difficult for her.

Well they kicked it into full gear, day and night and night and day they toiled and memorized and danced and pulled out their hair. THEN Test day came!

Before going into her test Abby's sweet supportive Mommy gave her this charm:

It represents the amount of heart and umph that this girl showed. Rebecca & Eric wanted Abby to know that going into that test she had already succeeded because she decided to try. Even if she didn't get all her subjects her parents would still be so proud of her for even having the nerve. She wasn't allowed to come out and say what she didn't pass but rather would come out saying "I came, I saw, I conquered...even if I didn't pass all the subjects."
SO Let me show you what subjects she passed and what she had to know to pass them. Remember this was an oral test. (You may already know because well..I always give too much away, story of my life.)
1. Eiffel Tower

Subject: Geography. Abby had to know all the capitals and countries of pretty much the whole world. Her hardest part was South America which Naphtali and I vicariously helped her with due to our extensive and exciting lives in SA. She may have also learned a rap that was even more cool than us...but that is neither here nor there. She also had to know most lakes and rivers and large bodies of waters...globally!
(I would already have failed)
2. Fleur De Li's

Subject: Latin. This was the only written part she had and she had to think 30 different Latin words. She could either recite or write, she chose to write.

3. Key

Subject: History/Christian timeline: Abby had to know 160 events in history, in order starting from creation and ending...well I dont' remember brain hurt after they told me she had to know 160 of them.

4. Crown
(The charm for this one fell off but has been replaced)
Subject: History sentences: She had to know 24 sentences regarding history. And I don't mean Alyssa sentences. They were long winded run on sentences that I can't even remember.
She also had to know all the presidents. In order for Abby to retain this her mother wrote a SWEET poem. I shall have to get that and post it...or she shall have to copyright it and produce it because its SWEET!

5. Fish

Subject: Science: Oceanography, animals plants etc:: She had to know anything there is to know about the animals that live under the ocean, the plants and habitat and all these other facts that I can't retain in my brain.

6. Dice

Subject: math: times table 15, squares and cubes, geometry: math is my worst subject and I wanted to kiss her feet after this.

7.Little Girl
Subject: English: She had to know all the crazy things about the English language.I don't even remember all the things she needed to know for this but she still can recite them and she does it so quickly you have to kind of look stupid while you're trying to comprehend them all. you can see, she got all the charms because she got 100% on this test!
She passed, quickly, correctly efficiently and she's retained it!
She rocks my socks. Not only because she passed, but because she passed of her own accord. She wasn't pressured she wasn't forced, she just wanted to, so she did.

So now you know why I've been so humbled not only academically but my determination level and confidence. This girl's got it! And she couldn't have done it with out supportive parents. Which she had 100%. They are her biggest fans. The coolest thing is that Rebecca loves learning so much that she finds great ways to teach and she really circles it around the type of person she's teaching not the material she's teaching so each person is treated individually for what they can do. It's a formula for success pretty much..pretty much.

Now...go and feel stupid and know that a 12 year old can totally kick your butt in any subject. At least I know Spanish...wait...she's learning that too...danget.